Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 pgs.166-200

  • some dogs have problems traveling in a car.
  • dogs have a thing with biting feet and chasing there own tail.
  • when rescuing dogs sometimes they have problems and need time to adjust.
  • Some times its hard for dogs to adjust to new rules.
  • talks about how some dogs are over protective of their toys and wont share.

4 questions

  • Why do some dogs have trouble riding in a car?
  • Why are some dogs over protective of their toys and wont share?
  • Do all dogs who have been rescued have problems?
  • Do any rescue dogs fully recover?

3 vocabulary

  • institutional: of or pertaining
  • consigned: to hand over
  • grasp: hold by

2 literary

  • "Lady Luck" (pg. 174)
  • "yo-yo effect" (pg. 175)

1 overview

  • Talks about dogs who have trouble riding in the car, dogs who have thing things they do when their nervous, also dogs who have problems from being rescued, also dogs who have toy problems.

5,4,3,2,1 pgs.116-166

  • When a dog fights it usually takes a lot out on the owner just as it does on the dog.
  • Some dogs are afraid of certain noises and it makes everyday living harder.
  • She recommends not giving dogs to young children because they are to difficult to try and raise.
  • Bringing new puppies into a house can be good at first because they are cute but once they settle in their true colors start to show.
  • There is also another section of pictures and this time its of her when shes older with her dogs.

4 questions

  • Are all puppies hyper when they are little or are some of them really quite?
  • When dogs have accidents in the house are there those rare occasions when they cant be helped?
  • Are there sometimes problems with dogs with in the same packs.
  • Do dogs that have problems with being aggressive with their food have bad past experiences.

3 vocabulary

  • exuberant: extremely good
  • vacant: having no contents
  • magnificent: splendid appearance

2 literary

  • "power of food" (pg. 140)
  • "puppies cotton" (pg. 141)

1 overview

  • Talks a lot about bringing new puppies into a household and how everyone will react, and also about dogs who are afraid of noises.

5,4,3,2,1 pgs. 81-116

  • One of the most important thing a dog owner can do is get their dog back when letting them off the leash.
  • Tells how when dogs jump up on people things to do to make them stop like ignor them.
  • Mostly small dogs are the dogs that jump up on people.
  • I like how the book is set up to help people with some of the problems all dog owners have.
  • Dogs that are overprotective are normally jealous dogs.

4 questions

  • Are some dogs mean and aggressive because of their past?
  • If dogs are aggressive can they be aggressive towards just people or just animals or is it always both?
  • Do aggressive dogs bite?
  • Is bitting an easy thing for dogs to overcome?

3 vocabulary

  • customary: according to/ depending on custom
  • snub: ignoring
  • formidable: causing fear

2 literary

  • "The up and down game" (pg. 106)
  • "like tigger, bouncing" (pg. 107)

1 overview

  • Talking about nervous aggressive dogs and about biting dogs, dogs that are over protective of their owners and of other dogs in the house, also dogs that are hard to catch when let off their leash, also dogs that jump up on people.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 pgs. 44-81

  • People need to understand that getting a dog from animal rescue its not going to fit in right away and it might also have a horrible background so give it time to adjust to the new home before making a decision.
  • She has pictures of herself with her dogs growing up and i thought it was a good addition to the book.
  • Each chapter of the book is written to help you to over come problems that you and your dog are facing at home like nervous dogs, barking dogs, jumping dogs and a few other problems.
  • Having an alpha dog isn't good because they feel they need to protect their pack and if one of their pack members dies they feel its there fault.
  • Dogs are kind of like humans just a little different because when they loose someone their close to you can see their upset about it just like humans get.

4 questions

  • Are all dogs able to be taught or do some just have it stuck in their mind that they wont learn?
  • Why when adopting dogs do people just see the cute face but not the problems the dogs been through just like people and they need time to get over it?
  • Do people who adopt dogs get checked if their living situations are appropriate for dogs because some dogs get abandoned or mistreated?
  • Are there dogs that have had a horrible past but push it aside then it all catches up with them at once?

3 vocabulary

  • emaciated: abnormally lean /thin from wasting away of flesh
  • queue: people waiting their turn
  • vicinity: fact of being near

2 literary

  • "a golden rule had begun to emerge" (pg. 45)
  • "rooted in their belief" (pg. 53)

1 overview

  • She talked about her experience with adopting a dog who had a terrible background and it took it some time to adjust to a new house and new people taking care of it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 pgs. 7-44

  • People like and appreciate dogs because of athleticism, intelligence, and looks.
  • Humans and dogs have grown a special bond with each other and that started with the wolf.
  • Some people after their dog dies cant find it in their hearts to go out and replace it with a new companion.
  • Even great experts with dogs make mistakes and have to find a way to fix them.
  • People have their own thoughts of dogs and they make their own accusations about a breed of dog with only knowing one.

4 questions

  • Why are books written to help people understand their dogs when they should just grow their own natural bond?
  • Why are dogs the animal chosen to do the hunting?
  • Why have some people lost the ancient love for dogs and now they abuse the love that dogs have for humans?
  • Why in a houseful of a lot of dogs one becomes alpha dog and the rest follow behind?

3 vocabulary

  • affinity: a natural liking for a person
  • quartet: any group of 4 people
  • foursome: a set of 4

2 literary

  • "The dog is a lion in his own house" (pg. 7)
  • "Artificial man-made means" (pg.40)

1 overview

  • Talks about how dogs and humans became the two species who help each other, about how to learn your dogs body language and when they are trying to tell you something.

my book

The Dog Listener