Thursday, February 5, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 Grey Squirrel

  • "Sidling" is said to be when a squirrel slips around the trunk of a tree and keeps going around to the side where the gunner (person with the gun) is not located.
  • Squirrels are aggressive, persistent, and destructive, but on the other hand they are intelligent, skillful, and inquisitive.
  • In Wisconsin scientists were holding an excrement to see what seeds birds liked best and when they hung out the feeders squirrels came and they ate all the seeds and destroyed the experiment .
  • Squirrels 18 to 20 inches long and weigh 1 to about 1 1/2 pounds.
  • When squirrels are born they are about 4 1/2 inches long and weigh 1/2 an ounce.

4 questions

  • Do scientist always or usually have an experiment to see what food an animal would prefer to eat?
  • Is there a reason that some people see squirrels as these scary animals that are dangerous and going to hurt them?
  • After babies are born they need their mother so if their mother leaves obviously they will most likely die but what happens more often they die naturally or another animal comes around and eats it?
  • Is there ever a situation where the mother has a problem with the baby so she kills it?

3 vocabulary

  • Paradox: a statement or phrase that sounds like your contradicting yourself
  • Inquisitive: given to inquiry
  • Anecdotes: a short account of an interesting or humorous situation

2 literary

  • "tree squirrels are called tree rats" (pg. 105)
  • "natures little tree planters" (pg. 118)

1 overview

  • This chapter was about gray squirrels and where they live, what they eat, where they breed, what happens to the babies, and of coarse funny stories.

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