- The all time record for the size of a raccoon is 55 inches, and it weighed 62 pounds.
- Raccoons walk on the entire soles of their feet and so they are called plantigrades.
- Raccoons are a type of animal that it doesn't matter about colors because they are color blind.
- Raccoons do very well, and are most likely the only animals that can live in captivity and have everything given to them but can be released into the wild and survive.
- Raccoons diets consist of 75 percent vegetable matter, and 25 percent animal matter, meaning that they are omnivorous.
4 questions
- Why do people insist on hunting and killing animals when it doesn't really have any use like food, or clothing.
- Are most baby animals kind of like babies? In the way that they eat, act, and need attention from their mothers.
- Do most animals only see in black and white or are there a lot of animals that can actually see in color?
- Why instead of killing the raccoons to experiment with, why don't they wait until they die of natural causes?
3 vocabulary
- Roguish: playful; mischievous
- Endearing: make beloved
- Plantigrades: one that walks on entire sole of their foot
2 literary
- "a neighborhood raccoon is a Beethoven fan" (pg. 70)
- "Raccoons have been known for lifting a latch, walking into a kitchen, opening the fridge, and helping themselves" (pg. 80)
1 overview
- This was about raccoons and what they eat, where they live, baby raccoons, how and when they breed and a funny story.