Friday, January 23, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 Chipmunk

  • So far when i looked at the table of contents i liked how the book is set up how they have a certain chapter for each animal.
  • There are 21 species of Chipmunks here in North America.
  • In Michigan there was a chipmunk that had put 145 kernels in it's mouth.
  • I like how the book has people telling about their own experience with this kind a animal.
  • Chipmunks eat acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts, cherry pits, raspberries, strawberries, dogwood seeds, corn, and plant bulbs.

4 Questions

  • How do animals really get their names, and is there a special way of picking names?
  • Why are some outdoor animals seen as theses terrible creatures, when really they are helping us and the enviorment?
  • If all animals had a fixed diet and one of their specific foods was no longer and it was really important would they discover something else to eat?
  • I still don't understand how chipmunks steal from you but they are so cute and flatter you that you don't realize what they are doing?

3 vocabulary

  • Decimate: destroy or kill a large part of
  • Gripe: complain
  • Fastidious: not east to please

2 Literary

  • How the chipmunk has so many nicknames like chip, chippy, grinny, and so many more.
  • How they have the chip-trail, and chunk-trail.

1 overview

This chapter was about chipmunks and what they eat, what they do, funny stories, and of coarse how they charm you while they are stealing your food!

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