Thursday, February 5, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 Striped Skunks

  • Skunks are carnivores and are most common to be found, they are also the most wide spread.
  • Skunks are usually 24-30 inches from nose to tail, and weigh from 4 to 10 pounds, and make skunks are generally larger.
  • The scientific name for skunks is mephitis mehitis and it means noxious gas in Latin.
  • There are three very important steps before a skunk sprays you, one they stamp their front feet, two they raise tail with ti pointed down, and last they point their tail straight up and spread it out.
  • When skunks are born they are only 1/2 ounce, they have rarely any fur, but they show the black and white coloring, and their eyes and ears are sealed.

4 questions

  • Do skunks always spray when they get startled, or are there other things they do?
  • Are all skunks born with the ability to spray people with the nasty smell?
  • When all baby animals are born are both their eyes and their ears sealed so they are blind and deaf?
  • Do all animals have the same patterns in the way they grow up, or close to it, or are they totally different?

3 vocabulary

  • Amiable: having or showing pleasant qualities
  • Crepe: a light weight fabric or silk
  • Haphazardly: at random

2 literary

  • "a mother skunk moves her young in the same way that a mother cat transports her kittens" (pg. 137)
  • "notice a hungry skunk waddling across our patio, earnestly looking for a tidbit" (pg. 141)

1 overview

  • This chapter was about skunks and what they eat, how they breed, where they live, what they look like, and of coarse a little story.

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